Ghostwriting is the art of creating written works that are credited to another person. It involves impersonating the style of a client to produce work that can be credited to the client.

Ghostwriters are used for a variety of reasons. In music, they are used for musical composition. In nonfiction, they create works for celebrities who which to publish their memoirs or autobiographies. In fiction, they increase the number of books that can be produced in a time period by a well known highly marketable author.

In academia however, ghostwriting is considered dishonest. Essay mills which sell entrance essays, term papers, theses and dissertations to students exist. This ventures into the realm of academic fraud and is not encouraged.

Once you find the passion for writing, ghostwriting is something I would recommend if you enjoy the process of writing but don’t like the limelight.

The challenge with ghostwriting is assimilating the voice of your client. This is because you have to imitate the writing voice of your client.

To become a ghostwriter, you need to do the following:

  1. Become a Good Writer: Being able to express your thoughts in writing is important to becoming a ghostwriter.
  2. Find Your Voice: In particular, finding your writing voice will help you know how to transit when it is time to write for someone else.
  3. Build a Network: Get a good network of clients because most of your initial jobs will come from personal recommendations.

Personally, I have never been a ghostwriter. I like writing for myself. But if you want to make money online, this is a path to follow.