On the 23rd of October 2023, the exchange rate of a Naira to a Dollar on the Black market was N1,235.

Faced with the choice of reducing expenses or increasing income, I would choose to increase income.

To do this, I would have to find a way to connect to a global supply chain using the internet.

As far as I am concerned, Nigeria is a failed state. The situation on the ground is bad and is only going to get worse.

Those of us who live in Nigeria must find a way to either leave or earn online if we choose to stay.

This blog is intended as an experiment to find and showcase all the means to making money on the internet if you are based in Nigeria.

Nigeria is a poor country. According to the insight from the PiggyVest Savings Report 2023, only 14% of Nigerians earn N500,000 above a month. You can view the diagram below.

At the moment I make money online from teaching Mathematics and Computer Science online. I would move online after the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020.

This blog is meant to discover and explore other means of making money online.

Thank you for coming on this adventure with me. It is my hope that you too find a way to make money online in Nigeria.